A New (Old) Project Emerges

Reading Time: 2 minutes

purple and black galaxy illustration

A long time ago in a galaxy far-far away I had a grand dream for a browser-based space game with similar gameplay to a very old PHP-based game called BlackNova Traders. I dubbed my version Nova Trade Wars.

I initially intended this game to be very immersive and it was definitely shaping up to be that way. The project fell by the wayside and I eventually lost the codebase that I built up (before learning about Git and the wonders it contained).

With the recent(ish) advent of AI, the concept of Margaret has already been accomplished by many others out there and I would definitely just be reinventing the wheel. I instead decide to return to the Nova Trade Wars project once again, but this time assisted by AI in the process of making this game.

I have shifted the concept from a sprawling open-world EVE Online type game to more of a table-top, story driven experience that plays more like Dungeons and Dragons…except, y’know…space.

If this is something you’re interested in, please sign up below for updates and I’ll send out dev updates and eventual closed alpha and beta invitations.

Additionally, the development blog is live at https://novatradewars.com

📰Nova Trade Wars News

Nova Trade Wars is a passion project and I would love to share that with you. Sign up to receive periodic development updates and information on playtest opportunities when they happen!

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